I have to share this in its entirety - from the blog of J Michael Dolan:
"I was 29 when I started Music Connection magazine. 0-money, 0-experience. I couldn’t PROVE to anybody that MC was going to work. But I could KNOW it. I was holding it in my hands and reading it in my mind before I ever committed to actually doing it. Just like a songwriter hears the music in her head before she ever writes it down. Just like the Wright brothers couldn’t PROVE that their cockamamie idea of flying machines would work. But they could KNOW it. You may not be able to PROVE to investors, producers, agents, managers, staff or even friends and family that your crazy, genius idea will work. But you can KNOW it. And the manner in which you articulate that KNOWING may be the only convincing “pitch” that sells it."
Original post at: http://www.jmichaeldolan.com/blogs.php